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cowboy boots

Bert always
.wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some
on sale, he bought them and wore them home.

Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife,
"Notice anything different about me?"

Margaret looked him over. "Nope."

Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked
back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots.

Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, "Notice anything
different NOW?"

Margaret looked up and said in her best deadpan, "Bert, what's
different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday,
it'll be hanging down again tomorrow."


"Nope. Not a clue", she replied.


Without missing a beat Margaret replied, "Shoulda bought a hat, Bert.
Shoulda bought a hat."

La Marina

The Blackbull Steakhouse and Bar

Friday is Fish and Chip Special.... Cod in homemade batter with homemade chips, peas, bread and butter all for 5.95€ Leave the car at home and book our courtesy busy for a free pickup and drop off and take advantage of our cheap drink prices. Budweiser 1€ and Vodka/red bull 2.80€... Come and have some pre fiesta cheap drinks... All enquiries and bookings can be done on 966842079, have a nice weekend!

Hi could you tell me directions to the black bull from rojales please thanks

Commented happy in the sun in Quesada 2011-07-01 16:30:28 UTC

Hi I have added a link for directions. Do hope to see you soon.


The Black Bull

Commented La Luz Bar/Restaurant in La Marina 2011-07-01 19:30:48 UTC

02/07/11 - Free PC Clinic

Come down and join us if you're in the Gran Alacant area and would like computer help.

We run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps:,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here:,+Spain&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&sll=38.213475,-0.542975&sspn=0.053883,0.111494&geocode=FfoZSQIdHqn4_ymNYkLXYjZiDTHA1SHXbq8CBA%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=12

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.


02/07/11 - Free PC Clinic

Come down and join us if you're in the Gran Alacant area and would like computer help.

We run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps:,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here:,+Spain&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&sll=38.2283,-0.524985&sspn=0.003367,0.006968&geocode=FafERgIdOYf3_ymjs2ebU0xiDTFwpcdQHV4YCA%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=14

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.


02/07/11 - Free PC Clinic

Come down and join us if you're in the Gran Alacant area and would like computer help.

We run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps:,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here:,+Santa+Pola,+Espa%C3%B1a&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=38.186235,-0.646335&sspn=0.215613,0.445976&geocode=FX1XRwIdbPf3_ylTQ7WCB0xiDTFAc1d_ca8CCg%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=18

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.


02/07/11 - Free PC Clinic

Come down and join us if you're in the Gran Alacant area and would like computer help.

We run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps:,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here:,+Spain&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&sll=38.190225,-0.58688&sspn=0.107801,0.222988&geocode=FaP6RQId7UL0_yndoTNcTqVjDTFPbcmyfnHp-Q%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=12

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.


02/07/11 - Free PC Clinic

Come down and join us if you're in the Gran Alacant area and would like computer help.

We run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps:,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here:,+Elche,+Spain&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&sll=38.190225,-0.58688&sspn=0.104832,0.222988&geocode=FQUPRgIdPCb2_ynDVwieeLJjDTGwpkdSca8CCg%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=13

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.


Taxi from Airport

Can someone give me an update as to what the Alicante Taxi rank cabs are charging to La Marina please.

La Marina

It is about 35 euros, normally 30 euros to the top of the Urb, then a further 5 euros to you final destination on the Urb

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-01 18:11:23 UTC


Does anyone know if you have to renew / update your Padron, or is it simular to rates in the UK, once you have registered that is it, unless you have to make changes to your circumstances?

no you have to update it i think they only last for 3mths, i ve just updated ours the other day for lillies swimming lessons. xxx

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-06-30 09:13:05 UTC

Oh right, but if our circumstances do not change, does it still need to be updated?

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-06-30 12:33:43 UTC

no you can just get it up dated when you needed. xx

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-06-30 12:42:22 UTC

If you want to buy a car or become a resident, or buy property, you have to update your padron. Other than that I think you are OK. But, don't take my word for it pop into The Office up the top and they will tell you.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-30 16:44:19 UTC

Well we signed on the Pasdron in San Fulgencio a few years agao and then had to update it when we bought our car, but haven't done anything with it since.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-06-30 22:42:15 UTC

Padron, While we are on the subject of Padron,can anyone tell me the truth. I am a non resident with a property on the Urb. I was told by the old regime,that to be on the padron I had to be a resident, but to do anything here they ask for your Padron. Is this a catch 22 situation. Many of my friends living elsewhere in Spain are on their padron but are not residents. Any help and advice will be most welcome

Commented Robert in La Marina 2011-07-01 10:34:39 UTC

Robert you can sign on the padron as a non-resident. Go up to the office in La Marina(that is if you live on the Urb) take your passport and a recent utility bill. I think this is all you need, but they will tell you if they want anything else.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-01 16:16:33 UTC

Hola Robert, no you do not need to be a resident to be on the padron, the more people who are on it here in La Marina the more services are provided, that is why we have our own police station and more recently a town hall. If you own a property you should be on the Padron and if you wish to purchase a car you will defo need to be on it.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-01 18:07:53 UTC


If you live on Quesada there are a few places to take children, depending on thier ages of corse. The country Cub has an area that children from dot´s upto ten can play in, safely and they have a craxy golf. Near to the Rojales Market there are two bars both with play areas the one has a fantastic crAZY GOLF AREA. And in Rojales there are loads of areas you can sit & watch your children play while you just relax, and not a computer in sight.

Also for children there is a great children's area and a lovely pool at Hotel El Corazon also Mini Golf and they often have special offers and sometimes even FREE offers on the mini golf

Commented Susan Reader in Quesada 2011-07-01 16:40:05 UTC